Recent content by ck2020

  1. C

    XF 2.2 How to disable admin from getting email copies of PMs

    I guess I just noticed this was happeneing. I am getting an email with user's PMs to each other. I don't want to invade their privacy, how to turn that feature off? thank you!
  2. C

    How do you detect multiple accounts?

    Thx for the input! I think core stops a lot of the spam sign ups if you have it checked in admin but my main goal is to catch current forum members who create a new account and then post stuff they are too afraid to post on their true account. Is Andy's best for catching those who do?
  3. C

    How do you detect multiple accounts?

    Cool, thanks! I don't see a price, is it a free add on or do you have to purchase a fingerprints key or something? edit - nvm I see the $21, thanks!
  4. C

    How do you detect multiple accounts?

    Still nothing good available for XF2?
  5. C

    XF 2.2 User's Average Post Count?

    I am trying to figure out the best approach here. The ultimate goal is seeing what users are participating more than others. Is there a quick/easy way to run a report that would show all users and what their average monthly post count is? I realize this would be different for each month so...
  6. C

    XF 2.2 Remove location from user info

    I see where I can enable and disable the different fields it shows under the user info block and I also have seen where I can use fontawesome and/or some code to change them from words to icons. However, is there just an easy way to either remove the word "location" completely or change it from...
  7. C

    XF 2.2 Do I need to update XenForo Redirects for vBulletin?

    I just finished upgrading to XF 2.2.2 and also upgraded the XF Importer addon, do I also need to update the redirect addon or is that only if I plan on importing again from VB? Just making sure the old links would still all work if I did not upgrade the redirect...
  8. C

    XF 2.2 Upgrade check not showing latest version

    So going from v2.1.6 Patch 1 to 2.2.2 (latest version), is is better/safer to use the one click ACP and upgrade twice to get to latest release or just download 2.2.2 and use ftp and install URL? Getting ready to take the plunge! Thanks in advance!
  9. C

    Browser issue Pressing enter in Android keyboard hides the keyboard

    I don't know if that was directed at me but I have a Samsung Android using Chrome and the default Samsung Keyboard. But I am not having an issue, a few others on our forum are. They have Androids as well.
  10. C

    Browser issue Pressing enter in Android keyboard hides the keyboard

    Although it doesn't happen to me on my android, I have a few on our board who are complaining about the same issue. Thanks in advance for any fix!
  11. C

    XF 2.1 Member List Sorting

    Sorry for the bump(s) but no one can point me in the right direction or give me any sort of hint on this? There has to be code in core that sorts the different member lists. I am just trying to find out where that is. URL: Thanks in advance!
  12. C

    XF 2.1 Change the default order of users list inside ACP

    It's only one click to select in the drop down and sort them any way you like. I have been trying to figure out how to get the same functionality on the public/user side:
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