Recent content by Chris_H

  1. Chris_H

    Enjoying the Florida winter, highs in the mid 70's highs lows in the 40's!!

    Enjoying the Florida winter, highs in the mid 70's highs lows in the 40's!!
  2. Chris_H

    Best practice for moving forum to new domain after Google algorithm penalty?

    I posted a while back and suspected my site had been hit with an algorithm penalty, after some discussion on these forums I thought otherwise. Some time has gone by and I have collected some additional data and I now am pretty certain my site is suffering from an algorithmic penalty from...
  3. Chris_H

    Style Need some forum styling updates

    My site is I like my logo and the color scheme I have set up I just dont feel the site is cohesive, something about it just isnt right. I have very little experience and would like to hire/work with someone to get the styling cleaned up to make the overall site more appealing...
  4. Chris_H

    Logging Out bug?

    I had this happen recently after installing cloudflare, when I put my website into the cloudflare setup it got put in as and my site is registered at If I forced my browser to (without the www) I could login successfully. I uninstalled cloudfare, that...
  5. Chris_H

    Finding out how tough it is to run a forum for a product that hasn't been released yet....Not...

    Finding out how tough it is to run a forum for a product that hasn't been released yet....Not enough content!!
  6. Chris_H

    Google ranking fell off the map over the weekend.....

    Seems like my concern is not justified based on the amount of content on the site....thank you all for the feedback.
  7. Chris_H

    Google ranking fell off the map over the weekend.....

    I was concerned because of the drop in google ranking. I realize my site is new(er) and does not have that much content yet, however, last week my searches for 'nissan z35' were really high and yesterday/today site is nowhere to be found, if I had no ranking to begin with I would not have been...
  8. Chris_H

    Google ranking fell off the map over the weekend.....

    Hi all, My site is, for some reason when searching for nissan z35 I have lost all of my ranking, the site doesnt show up on any of the first 10 pages, just last week I was in the top 5-6 spots on page 1. To make it doubly confusing, when I search for 'z35' I still have a top 5...
  9. Chris_H

    What is the point of profile posts?

    I have been using them on my relatively new forum to welcome new members as well as share a new feature on the forum that they may not be aware of.
  10. Chris_H

    Next Gen Z Car

    Updated the Header/Logo...hope this isn't considered unecessary bump :/
  11. Chris_H

    Thanks!! Got it fixed.

    Thanks!! Got it fixed.
  12. Chris_H

    Thanks for the feedback on my forum, have been unable to find the hover state of the forum node...

    Thanks for the feedback on my forum, have been unable to find the hover state of the forum node sort bars (title, date, etc) any idea what style property that is under?
  13. Chris_H

    Next Gen Z Car

    Forum around the next generation Nissan Z car codenamed Z35....what are your thoughts on what Ive dine here, suggestions/critiques welcome. Link here: Thanks Chris
  14. Chris_H

    XF 1.2 Cant logon at main forum page....

    I found the problem, cloudflare had been incorrectly configured and was directing to, turned off cloudflare and all my problems went away. Thanks for all your help!!
  15. Chris_H

    XF 1.2 Cant logon at main forum page....

    I installed my forum in public_html, see below for my .htaccess, can you tell me what i have done wrong. Cant seem to get the to login but the will # Mod_security can interfere with uploading of content such as attachments. If you # cannot attach files, remove...
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