Recent content by chillman

  1. chillman

    SEO Addon for Xenforo

    There are also these two addons available: SEO Optimization - 20 USD - SEO & Index Tools - Unreleased -
  2. chillman

    SEO Addon for Xenforo

    Which addon is this screenshot from?
  3. chillman

    SEO Addon for Xenforo

    but google are using beta title an meta description for displaying the search results.
  4. chillman

    SEO Addon for Xenforo

    It depends on the topic, which keywords makes an effect. there a several opinions about that. and: its the combination of META title and META description. you can have the same example also for the description.
  5. chillman

    SEO Addon for Xenforo

    I think about several senarios. One example: The admin wants to have a short title for the forum for clarity (short category title). But for the Google Snippet it makes sense to use a long title for this forum. so that you don't waste any potential for keywords. Example: - the title of the...
  6. chillman

    SEO Addon for Xenforo

    Yes, it possible to edit descriptions and titles. But I want to edit META descriptions and META titles separately. That is not possible!
  7. chillman

    Meta tags [Paid]

    Sadly this addon does not support titles and descriptions for categories or forums, only in threads. Can you please support also meta information in categories?
  8. chillman

    SEO Addon for Xenforo

    Sadly this addon does not support titles and descriptions for cateories or forums. it is only possible in threads. So in my opinion this addon is not usable as a SEO solution.
  9. chillman

    Meta tags [Paid]

    Does your addon also support titles and descriptions for cateories or forums, or only in threads?
  10. chillman

    SEO Addon for Xenforo

    The Addon was updated to 150 chars for the title :) Many Thanks @AndyB
  11. chillman

    SEO Addon for Xenforo

    I found that addon for editing meta-titles and meta-descriptions, but the title is limited to 60 chars. Google says, the title could be longer... so this addon is outdated:
  12. chillman

    SEO Addon for Xenforo

    I need an addon for SEO optimization. Something like YOAST would be nice: :) But I can't find one. Isn't there a good one that at least lets me change the titles and meta-descriptions for forums and posts? What SEO addons are published and which can you...
  13. chillman

    XF 2.2 How can I activate upvoting for threads?

    I like to have a mixed content. I also like to have an Upvoting Option in every post, also in discussion post types...
  14. chillman

    XF 2.2 How can I activate upvoting for threads?

    Could It be, that I deactivated the "suggestions" type? I only find "discussion" and "question"
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