Recent content by Bubbles

  1. B

    XF 2.2 Confirmation Emails Fail first-send only

    Hi Folks, Curious if anyone else has encountered a similar behavior—when a new user registers for our site, they do not ever receive the confirmation email. As far as I can tell, XF doesn’t even try to send it (the request doesn’t make it to Amazon SES which we use for delivery via SMTP)...
  2. B

    How to disconnect connected account (google for login)?

    Thanks! I just manually added a button in the AdminCP that calls to actionConnectedAccountDisassociate() so I'm all set.
  3. B

    How to disconnect connected account (google for login)?

    Did you happen to figure this out? I occasionally need to disconnect associated accounts and can only see whether they are/are not associated from the AdminCP > User > Extras tab but don't have a button to disconnect them so I've been having to manually do it in the database.
  4. B

    XF2 [8WR] Discord Integration [Paid]

    @Jaxel 👀
  5. B

    XF2 [8WR] Discord Integration [Paid]

    Has anyone else run into an issue using the new Community Servers mode with Discord? When you enable Community Server Mode, and convert a channel to an Announcement Channel by changing this setting: The plugin can no longer detect it as a valid option to send posts to. Here in Discord I...
  6. B

    XF 1.4 Board URL change and blank page

    Nevermind. I guess it just took awhile. :)
  7. B

    XF 1.4 Board URL change and blank page

    Hi, I moved my forum from one directory to another and before I did I updated the board url in settings. Now when I visit my board or the directory it is just a white page. I looked for a blank index.html file and didn't find one, i cleared cache and cookies. Same if I try to access admin.php...
  8. B

    Sorting Warnings Alphabetically

    Hey @NixFifty, I just wanted to let you know I found another modification that does something similar. It allows you to group warnings, and set a display order and that accomplishes what I was looking for. Thanks so much for...
  9. B

    Sorting Warnings Alphabetically

    @NixFifty Thanks so much for your time! However, that's not quite what I was looking for. I'd like the warnings to be alphabetical when issuing them, not when looking at them on a users profile tab. Such would be on this page: index.php?members/username.1/warn So in the list it would look like...
  10. B

    Sorting Warnings Alphabetically

    Hi All, I'm looking for a way to sort the warnings list alphabetically as by point value isn't effective to me because I have multiple categories and over 30 infractions. I did search but only found old threads without solutions. Please advise and thanks in advance!
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