Recent content by BlueSquares

  1. BlueSquares

    s9e Media Sites

    You nailed it. I just found this...
  2. BlueSquares

    s9e Media Sites

    I'm using this Addon to embed Amazon affiliate links. But all my Amazon links look like this today... And it seems like this domain's DNS is failing to load the embed... Is it just me? Or is anyone else seeing this?
  3. BlueSquares

    Cloudflare WAF Rules

    I had to disable the following OWASP3 rules in ModSecurity. Not sure if it'll help in CF: 941100 941110 942230
  4. BlueSquares

    Add-on [PAID] Exam / Quiz Addon

    Ah..sorry for the misunderstanding. Unfortunately, it is a private internal forum and I'm unable to give access.
  5. BlueSquares

    Add-on [PAID] Exam / Quiz Addon

    Did you see my prior message above yours? This project is already complete. Followup: Scandal is still providing exceptional post-support for the Addon and troubleshooting any issues that might pop up on edge cases.
  6. BlueSquares

    Add-on [PAID] Exam / Quiz Addon

    The work was already completed by Scandal. He did an incredible job on the addon and has been providing updates/feature requests as needed.
  7. BlueSquares

    XF 2.2 MySQL Query for Bulk Deleting "Last Edited" Dates?

    We need to clear out all the "Last Edited" dates across the entire forum to prevent them from appearing. Is there a MySQL query that can be run to perform this task? Hiding via CSS is not an option and manually changing each post is cost-prohibitive.
  8. BlueSquares

    XF 2.2 Error submitting sitemap to Bing

    Found the problem. I imported from Google Webmaster Tools and it brought in but I strictly use a address. Once I deleted the imported domain and reverified with the www, it took the sitemap.
  9. BlueSquares

    XF2 [8WR] XenAtendo 2 (Calendar) PRO [Paid]

    Sorry, but I didn't do anything special. Once the addon was updated (after I posted about my problem), I just pressed the Scrape Holidays button, selected US Holidays and pressed Submit and it worked. I just did it again and it pulled in all the holidays through 2023.
  10. BlueSquares

    XF 2.2 Error submitting sitemap to Bing

    Thanks for this. I was able to submit my WordPress sitemap, but the Xenforo sitemap won't take. I press "Submit" after entering the sitemap URL The URLs and were both attempted but failed to be picked up. It briefly shows a...
  11. BlueSquares

    Add-on [PAID] Exam / Quiz Addon

    We need to have an Addon developed that would allow us to create 20-50 question exams (quizzes) for students on our forum. We use Xenforo a lot like an LMS to deliver training inside separate Nodes and this is the next step in its evolution for us. General idea of our needs... We only use...
  12. BlueSquares

    XF 2.2 User profile banners, Username changes, Security locking accounts and more!

    Is there any way to completely disable the request for a username change? Our forum assigns usernames and we cannot have anyone picking their own due to the way our systems work together. We just got our first request for a change and we'd like to avoid that awkwardness entirely and block the...
  13. BlueSquares

    XF 2.2 How to send Member Emails and Avoid Spam

    If you're already comfortable with PHP installations, then Sendy + Amazon SES is a solid solution. With Amazon SES, you pay $0.10 for every 1,000 emails you send or receive. So around $2 per 20,000 sent emails. There's an integration as well...
  14. BlueSquares

    Lock Existing Conversation

    Leaving removes the conversation. There are 2 options available when leaving shown below. I've tried leaving conversations with the "Ignore future messages" option, but it seems they can keep writing inside the conversation (and later complain I never answered). 🙃
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