Recent content by Betfather

  1. Betfather

    Collapsible Category

    Hello, I know the chance for answer is little, but would anyone know how to fix this? The button appears under category name and also it makes the category bar unnecessarily higher. Would you guide me how to move that ON/OFF button to the right? Thank you 🙏
  2. Betfather

    Chat 2 by Siropu [Paid]

    Hello, I would like to ask if you can help me hide some elements in my live chat. The thing is my goal is to make chat as simple as possible - no rooms, no joining/logging out, no whispers, no settings for users etc. I've reached some of these in admin options or permissions, but I need your...
  3. Betfather

    TipMe [Deleted]

    Hello, thank you for this addon, working for me. Just want to ask: Is it possible to add one more position for "Tip me" link? And by that I mean user info block in the thread. So the link wouldn't be under the text of your post, but under the avatar with other user info :giggle: And one...
  4. Betfather

    [OzzModz] Badges

    @sbj I want to thank you for your support as it solved exactly what I needed! And also I'm joining you in this feature req., it's the last thing this addon needs, if I would be able to sort the badges in the ACP that would be lovely! Example: I would like to show badges sorted by category...
  5. Betfather

    [OzzModz] Badges

    Hello, I've set up badge for members with 1,000+ posts = works fine, awarded automatically I've set up badge for inactive members - 14+ days = doesn't do anything, many members meet this condition and still no one has been awarded. Is it because it is "recallable" and it simply doesn't work...
  6. Betfather

    [OzzModz] Post Comments

    Unfortunately I'm back with one major and one minor problem... As in the picture 1. Where can I edit this phrase please? (when i don't set replace reply option on there is the "comment" phrase which is editable) 2. When I reach the maximum depth, the reply button becomes regular reply button...
  7. Betfather

    [OzzModz] Post Comments

    oh myyy... Of course - I was checking just node permissions and not user permissions. 🤦‍♂️ that's me, always... Thank you very much, sir!
  8. Betfather

    [OzzModz] Post Comments

    this would be real gamechanger to my forum, unfortunately nothing happens after installation, no errors, no outdated templates, nothing 🥺
  9. Betfather

    XF 2.2 Customizing "latest posts" widget

    Lovely, quick and effective. Thank you very much sir!
  10. Betfather

    XF 2.2 Customizing "latest posts" widget

    Hello, is there some "healthy" way to customize "Latest_posts" widget on my homepage? I would like to unlink the title of widget (links to whats-new/posts) and I would like to delete "view more" (same link) button for the homepage widget. As this type of widget is connected to "What's new"...
  11. Betfather

    XF 2.2 Three problems with weird Google indexing

    Hello there, I would like to ask three questions about Google and if someone kind could tell me if I'm doing anything wrong in the XF admin. 1. Google seems to doesn't use my board meta description When I search for for my site with prefix "site:", Google shows correct meta description, but...
  12. Betfather

    Chat 2 by Siropu [Paid]

    Doesn't seem to help, browse rooms hide the browse rooms link and if I set join rooms to 0, it disappears finally but people can't chat. If I set it to 3 as I have 3 rooms, it appears there again. I think I need to let people Join Rooms in permissions, but hide this bar with some css...
  13. Betfather

    Chat 2 by Siropu [Paid]

    I'm sorry, I mean these room tabs on mobile phone: I mean I don't want to let people browse, neither switch rooms in this bar and I would like it to hide completely as I've done for desktop users. (I know it must be something easy as I'm kind of a newbie let's say, I hid it on desktop by...
  14. Betfather

    Chat 2 by Siropu [Paid]

    Hello, I am new to Xenforo and overally years without simple html and css coding, so it was the matter of time when I will show up here :D I've got 3 chatrooms in 3 fixed pages so I don't want users to see the Chat Rooms Tabs and of course make it clean as much as possible. When I managed to...
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