Recent content by Aquarist

  1. Aquarist

    XF 1.5 Category Page - Add and Center Image

    Hi everyone, Hope you all doing well :) Can anyone help me please, I am trying to have a center image (middle) in a category page. When visiting my forum and clicking on one of the categories it open in a new page and on that i just wanted to add a image to the top middle so people know which...
  2. Aquarist

    XF 1.5 Category boarder color

    No worries lads, I think i've worked it out .nodeList .node_"Number" .categoryStrip { border: 1px solid rgb("color"); background-color: rgb("color"); } :)
  3. Aquarist

    XF 1.5 Category boarder color

    Hi chaps, anyone know how to change the secondary color to match the same as the categories color for each section/forum category? One of the lads on here has been helping me and he is really awesome but i am feeling guilty and so I wanted to see if this was a quick fix. my forum is here and...
  4. Aquarist

    XF 1.5 This is awesome! anyone know how they did it?

    lmao, yea :) they have a category and instead of having a load of forums under it they have a block with a load of bullet point forums. it looks awesome :)
  5. Aquarist

    Does anyone know which Showcase add-on this is?

    Hiya ENF, I think it could be the one you one, because it looks like it has a lot of the same features. Thanks for the heads up mate ;)
  6. Aquarist

    XF 1.5 This is awesome! anyone know how they did it?

    Hiya, I don't know how they did this but it looks awesome, can anyone help me out on this. I would love to use this myself :) Check out these bullet points All the best & again many thanks in advanced ;)
  7. Aquarist

    Does anyone know which Showcase add-on this is?

    HI everyone, I've been looking around for a really nice showcase and I've come across one I think is really sweet, does anyone know which add-on this is HERE Many thanks in advance :)
  8. Aquarist

    XF 1.5 I'm going crazy over here :( Banner/Header)

    YOUR THE MAN!!! I did everything you said, but i wasn't sure where to put the very last step "width of header logo = 100%" I love what you did mate, i really do. all the images display perfectly and then disappear if required. ***AMAZING*** If i can ever help you out sometime please let me...
  9. Aquarist

    XF 1.5 I'm going crazy over here :( Banner/Header)

    TBH i like the theme/style more on this one, at least until i can get one done :)
  10. Aquarist

    XF 1.5 I'm going crazy over here :( Banner/Header)

    OK, now I have no idea what i'm doing... I have now changed the code to the following: - <xen:hook name="ad_header" /> <div style="text-align: center;"> <a href=""><img title="Marine"...
  11. Aquarist

    XF 1.5 I'm going crazy over here :( Banner/Header)

    Hi everyone, Please can someone point me in the right direction. I have a forum setup on with my logo which is great, the problem occurs when i try adding 4 simple .png's to the banner and center them like the attached "community_header.png" i knocked together in...
  12. Aquarist

    Can someone design me a theme/style

    Hiya, i understand that was for a full custom job and i'm sorry if i didnt make myself clear to start with, i am only just trying to get everything working and i'm just a simple chap with a simple wage so i need to be saving whatever i can. i'd love to have loads of custom work done on it but...
  13. Aquarist

    Can someone design me a theme/style

    Thanks, i would like to get a quote for him now that i explained a bit better because the last quote was just crazy.
  14. Aquarist

    Can someone design me a theme/style

    Has anyone had any work done from any of these? Fiverr Thinking of using one of them if no one can help me on here
  15. Aquarist

    Can someone design me a theme/style

    Hi everyone, ok, i have been playing around with the cat's for the forum and i have now picked them, you can see here: I also have a listing site here: which i shall be moving to my plan is to have a landing...
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