Recent content by Apt Irrelevance

  1. Apt Irrelevance

    XF 2.2 Can I give banned users access to "support" thread/node only?

    We do pretty much the same thing. Our old board software (IGN SnowBoards) had an "unban request" system which was essentially a rudimentary ticketing system where a banned user could submit a request and communicate with the admins to negotiate their return to the forums. Since XF1 didn't have...
  2. Apt Irrelevance

    XF 1.5 Upgrading large forum from XF1.5 to XF2

    Agreed on ForumRunner, it appears to no longer exist. I know we still have users who use TapaTalk daily though.
  3. Apt Irrelevance

    XF 1.5 Upgrading large forum from XF1.5 to XF2

    Thank you for that info. The UBB data being MyISAM would certainly make sense considering how little of that data ended up surviving. Sounds like we need to look into database tuning before starting. I'm sure we've already done a little since moving to Xenforo, but it may have been years at this...
  4. Apt Irrelevance

    XF 1.5 Upgrading large forum from XF1.5 to XF2

    I'm not sure of our current server's capabilities but we did upgrade to a beefier one with significantly more CPU threads and memory a year or two ago. What sort of things would cause database inconsistencies? The import issues we originally had may have been due to data from the oldest...
  5. Apt Irrelevance

    XF 1.5 Upgrading large forum from XF1.5 to XF2

    I'm starting preliminary research on what it will take to upgrade our forum to the latest XF2 release. Our last major upgrade was in December 2017 and we decided to hold off on XF2 simply because some of the crucial add-ons we use weren't yet supported. (The irony isn't lost on me that we...
  6. Apt Irrelevance

    XenFacil's Quote - Quote with avatar and more

    I have identified a bug that causes an error on the post reply page. When you click the preview button, the preview will not load and the console shows a 404 not found error for xf_quote.js. I realized this happens because my Xenforo installation is in a subdirectory and not the site root. In...
  7. Apt Irrelevance

    Forum Moderators

    Thank you for this great add-on! If I had one suggestion, it would be to add "Exclude all Moderators" and "Exclude all Super Moderators" options. I have a large board with 40+ super moderators, and it's a bit tedious having to look up the individual user ID's and manually enter them since we...
  8. Apt Irrelevance

    The Large XenForo Forums List

    Already listed but post count is up. 24,065,282 IGN/Snowboards
  9. Apt Irrelevance

    XF 1.4 Too many styles?

    That's a much better method! Now, if only I could convince someone to build an add-on that could make that into a drop-down option under the forum options.
  10. Apt Irrelevance

    XF 1.4 Too many styles?

    Actually, the reason we abandoned individual styles a few years ago with XF 1.1 was due to some crashes that happened when admins were making style tweaks. That was on a much smaller test board, but we probably had 10 or so custom styles loaded and 5-10 add-ons. I was hoping things might be a...
  11. Apt Irrelevance

    XF 1.4 Too many styles?

    Is it possible to have too many styles? I admin a very large forum (22M posts, 300+ forums), and one of the complaints we've had since our migration to Xenforo is that the individual forums don't have their own styles anymore. I'm thinking about importing all of the old styles we used to have...
  12. Apt Irrelevance


    Works now. Thanks!
  13. Apt Irrelevance


    To clarify: If I do check "User extra information in postbit" the toggle button appears and the info is collapsed by default. When unchecked, the content block is hidden even though there is content inside. I want the toggle functionality turned off, but also the content to be permanently displayed.
  14. Apt Irrelevance


    It is already unchecked.
  15. Apt Irrelevance


    I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but after installing the newest version, the "extraUserInfo" div is being automatically hidden. I want it to be permanently displayed with no toggle button. How can I do this?
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