Recent content by apathy

  1. apathy

    XF 2.2 How to get the results from a view class?

    What happens if u change <xf:textboxrow name="forums" To <xf:textboxrow name="q"
  2. apathy

    XF 2.2 Best Practices for Assigning Main and Secondary User Groups

    Yes leave them at No, if u dont want the group to have the permission then set it to Never (unless its the base Registered group, in which case set it to No)
  3. apathy

    XF 2.2 Best Practices for Assigning Main and Secondary User Groups

    Registered as primary and no need to duplicate permissions in the moderator group as theyll be inherited from the base Registered group - you only need to give a group the extra permissions it needs
  4. apathy

    [AP] Style Suite [Paid]

    I'm nearly finished writing it now so allowing time to test / let it run on fortree i'm going to say ~2-ish weeks It should work just fine with 8.2, that's what I'm running on fortree
  5. apathy

    [AP] Style Suite [Paid]

    apathy updated [AP] Style Suite with a new update entry: 2.11.10 Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. apathy

    [AP] Style Suite - 2.11.10

    (Hopefully) fix issue where default post font size could be different in certain circumstances Fix various issues with UserStyleImage service Fix Undefined array key "XF:User[7044]" when trying to delete a user Fix issue where editing a users styles from the Admin Panel can actually pass those...
  7. apathy

    [AP] Style Suite [Paid]

    i'm aware of it - i began working on the jQuery -> JS port for XF 2.3 about a month or two after I released the last update, and it was only then that I started getting reports, and I can't really hand anybody the build I have now as its not done / will cause more problems than it solves. that...
  8. apathy

    [AP] Pokedex - 2.8.0

    Output pokemon form descriptions Create "Default cry type" admin option, for choosing "Latest" or "Legacy" cries Start using PokeAPI's cries instead of Smogons where possible Convert jQuery to JS pending XF2.3 Improve abstraction of card collecting/wishlisting Create AbstractImporter service...
  9. apathy

    [AP] Pokedex [Paid]

    apathy updated [AP] Pokedex with a new update entry: 2.8.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
  10. apathy

    [AP] Daily Goals

    I imagine this is already doable, by changing the [AP] Daily Goals: Reset counters at midnight cron job to run at your preferred day, instead of "Any" which its currently set to. You would then want to update at least these following phrases: ap_daily_goal ap_dg_viewing_goal_streaks...
  11. apathy

    [AP] Style Suite [Paid]

    I did do a quick test a few months ago, it worked pretty much fine like ichpen says but there was one or two small issues (which i'd have to check if they still exist as this was a few months ago) Profile styles: profile post block is unaffected by color choice Profile styles: footer is...
  12. apathy

    [AP] Daily Goals

    @lucien_lies call me blind but i can't actually see what the issue is here? it just looks to me like you have a 2 different themes set, one for logged in users and another one for guests. likewise it looks like the member goal doesnt have any color because it has 0% progress, so we're just...
  13. apathy

    XF 2.2 Files problem

    this is normal, it means your style/theme has made changes to a particular template, so when you upgrade Xenforo and it tries to merge its changes into your style, it can't figure out where to place the lines. I'm honestly not sure the "correct" way to solve this other than comparing the...
  14. apathy

    [AP] Pokedex [Paid]

    could be interesting, i do see there's some data dumps on github that can be used. only problem is i've got a good bit going on atm so i'd only be able to work on it in my free time. if its something you needed pronto then you'd have to hire another developer to have it custom made.
  15. apathy

    [AP] Style Suite - 2.11.9

    Fix Class apathy\StyleSuite\Service\Admin\Image does not exist when deleting an asset Fix Argument #1 ($color) must be type of string, array given when choosing selectable usergroup colors Fix Class apathy\StyleSuite\Service\Admin\AvatarFrame does not exist during a fresh install
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