Recent content by Anomandaris

  1. Anomandaris

    Subdirectory Slugs For Threads Like Wordpress

    Right now, all threads are in a massive /threads/ URL subdirectory. This is not good for SEO purposes. Google Search Algorithm takes this into consideration. If you have a large amount of poor quality posts in /threads/ and you have 5 really high quality posts, the poor quality ones will hurt...
  2. Anomandaris

    Importing Banned Emails Stops after Encountering Duplicates

    I was trying to solve this problem but I ended up just getting more confused because the code looks correct. Here are some notes, for anyone else trying to fix this problem: These are the important files related to this: /src/XF/Service/Banning/Emails/Import.php...
  3. Anomandaris

    [DigitalPoint] Better Google Analytics

    randomizing the gtm.js filename per install might help prevent adblock from blocking it
  4. Anomandaris

    XF 2.3 Boosting performance in XenForo 2.3

  5. Anomandaris

    [DBTech] DragonByte Security [Paid]

    anyone have this problem where it just redirects over and over again when you use the User Lock feature of this plugin? It's impossible to unlock the account by resetting the password because it just redirects them over and over again until they leave. Seems this feature was added to Xenforo...
  6. Anomandaris

    Importing Banned Emails Stops after Encountering Duplicates

    When importing an XML file of banned emails, when a duplicate is found it just stops the import. Any unique emails following the duplicate are skipped. XF v2.2.13 /admin.php?banning/emails If a duplicate is found, it should just ignore it and continue importing the rest of the list. Right...
  7. Anomandaris

    XF 2.2 Logged Off all the time

    If you have memcached enabled in your config.php, completely disable it and wait 48 hours. If the problem goes away, it's a problem with memcached.
  8. Anomandaris

    [AddonFlare] Paid Registrations

    Yes it works fine on the latest XF version
  9. Anomandaris


    Anyone using IndexNow notice Bing and Yandex are trying to crawl your /conversations/ ? Ever since using IndexNow they both are trying to access my conversations URLs within 24 hours of starting the new PM These URLs are not in the sitemap or rss feeds. I assume it's CloudFlare doing it, not...
  10. Anomandaris

    [AddonFlare] Paid Registrations

    AddonFlare has been doing development work for me for the past year and the quality of his work has been great. But something must have happened because he slowly disappeared over the past few months and the last time I heard from him was 11/19/2022 despite trying to contact him. I hope he's...
  11. Anomandaris

    [AddonFlare] Paid Registrations

    no simple statistics, but it's easy to check everyday and see how you're doing at this url /admin.php?user-upgrades/active It looks like this and is sorted by most recent:
  12. Anomandaris

    [Xen-Soluce] SEO Optimization [Paid]

    Feature request & ready to pay for it to be added Add an option to overwrite the H1 tag (p-title-value) with the meta title globally, I just want 1 check box to enable it across all content types. In other words, if a Meta title is defined, use that for the H1 tag: And make that work across...
  13. Anomandaris

    Resources Rank Lower Than Threads - SEO Issue

    @Nulumia any updates on your research? I am still struggling with Resources ranking badly in comparison to threads... we have 10k threads and 800 resources and most of my new content is resources and they're just not ranking I can have 1 really strong resource and 1 really weak thread both...
  14. Anomandaris

    Post Content Find / Replace

    it's under Tools in the admin CP
  15. Anomandaris

    XF 2.2 itemreviewed error in Google search console

    For those looking for an alternative to ignoring this issue: All my resources are downloadable programs, so it made sense to change the schema type from CreativeWork to SoftwareApplication. This is the list of types that Google allows, pick a type that matches your content...
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