Recent content by Annasiel

  1. Annasiel

    XF 2.2 Quotes in BBCode Text Parsing Improperly

    Hello! Sorry to bother - currently having some issues with custom forum BBCode that I'm struggling to resolve. There are two tags in question here, the [style] tag which functions like a normal inline style script: And the [class] tag, which functions like a div with an assigned class: Up...
  2. Annasiel

    XF 2.2 Issues Parsing Grid-Area

    I'm having a really odd issue on my site. I have a few custom BBCodes set up - one that parses as a <style> tag, displayed as [style], one that parses as a <div> with a class, displayed as [class=], and one that parses as a normal classless <div> with parameters, displayed as [div=]. For...
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