Recent content by AlexT

  1. AlexT

    Fixed Hard coded processor actions - code event missing

    XF 2 provides a code event to listen to when a BB code renderer object is created ("bb_code_renderer", fired in the $container->factory('renderer') closure). Analogously, there should be a "bb_code_processor_action" code event fired in the $container->factory('processorAction') closure. This...
  2. AlexT

    XF 2.0 Import from VB3.8 to XF2.0 or first via XF1.5?

    In short, is the vBulletin importer in XF2.0 now on par with the vBulletin importer in XF1.5? Obviously it'd be nicer to skip XF1.5 in the import process.
  3. AlexT

    Not a bug Consistency: URL scheme check in class ImageProxy

    Update: Please ignore. I would have thought for parse_url to normalize the url, i.e. to lower-case everything. But it doesn't. :( So your choice of using a regex was a good one after all. In fetchImageDataFromUrl(), you have the following code: 125 $urlParts =...
  4. AlexT

    XF 2.0.0. RC 1 (Happy Tuesday)

    Ohh. Bummer. Yes, it's in there. But happy to see that you're working on it. Would prefer to skip the in-between-1.x-step if possible.
  5. AlexT

    XF 2.0.0. RC 1 (Happy Tuesday)

    Wow, with an vB 3.x importer included. 👍 Have to check if it is at least en par with the vB 3.x importer from XF 1.x.
  6. AlexT

    XF 2.0 Context for BB Code Parsing/Rendering

    In case anyone is interested, I did something like this which does the trick (I needed to know the forum id if available). protected $nodeId = null; public function renderTagUrl(array $children, $option, array $tag, array $options) { $return =...
  7. AlexT

    XF 2.0 Context for BB Code Parsing/Rendering

    @Mike, thanks for these changes. One question - I have an addon that extends XF\BbCode\Renderer\Html to override renderTagUrl(). With the given changes outlined above in beta 8, would it be possible to get a context from within renderTagUrl()?
  8. AlexT

    XF2 developer feedback

    I am not sure if I remember correctly but I think there was a time (vBulletin?) when Kier & co. successively updated the function documention etc. after the initial stable release.
  9. AlexT

    Profile Posts with BB Codes

    I haven't looked at it yet but it's possible that the spoiler code that was added in XF 1.3 uses some extra javascript that is not initialized by default on the profile page. Will check when I have the time.
  10. AlexT

    Google to launch "No-CAPTCHA" reCAPTCHA

    It's out (I believe):
  11. AlexT

    Google to launch "No-CAPTCHA" reCAPTCHA

    It was in beta testing for a while, but now it seems to go public soon. No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA: An upgrade to the existing reCAPTCHA API you currently use on your site. This new API will let your valid users directly bypass the CAPTCHA...
  12. AlexT

    Profile Posts with BB Codes

    Yeah. That's a XenForo "feature". Before saving it to the database XF intentionally strips new lines when you post to your own profile. You can turn off the addon and try. XF does that because when you post it it's not only posted to your profile but also to your status, and you probably don't...
  13. AlexT

    Profile Posts with BB Codes

    Hello, there is no built-in option to do that, not in this addon and AFAIK not in XF either.
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