Recent content by AceOfDeath

  1. AceOfDeath

    Simple Forms [Paid] [Deleted]

    is there any way to limit the number of entry forms submitted and then once that number is reached closed the form? Sounds specific but I was thinking as like entering a tournament or something or that nature. Just looking to see if this is going to be able to fill my needs
  2. AceOfDeath

    Show user is online

    that worked perfect thanks :)
  3. AceOfDeath

    Show user is online

    these do not work for me after I updated to 1.1... Maybe its something to do with the Flexile theme that I'm using. The online offline is working but anything I put in the extra.css template has not effect
  4. AceOfDeath

    Simple Forms [Paid] [Deleted]

    sounds like something I will be using in the near future. Great work guys
  5. AceOfDeath

    [TSW] Xbox Live and PSN Identity Services

    does this still work in 1.1? I really want to install this but I didnt find it until now :(
  6. AceOfDeath

    Lack of interest [Suggestion] Add a "AddThis" icon to the "Share This Page" area

    PLEASE add this or someone tell me how to add it myself. I really would like reddit, digg, and stumble buttons to be accessible on my site. Would really boost my numbers
  7. AceOfDeath

    Steam Community OpenID Login

    PLEASE make a twitter button :)
  8. AceOfDeath

    Online Status Indicator within Threads

    does this still work in 1.1? the online and offline does but I cannot stylize it in anyway... frustrating...
  9. AceOfDeath

    Flexile Dark

    thats my issue :(
  10. AceOfDeath

    Flexile Dark

    so you just overwrote all the files and installed the standalone again?
  11. AceOfDeath

    Flexile Dark

    so can you just upgrade the theme? or do I have to completely uninstall the old one, delete the style files and start over again from scratch? sorry if this is a stupid question but I need to know :)
  12. AceOfDeath

    [GP] Steam Stats

    can this work with xen porta 1.5?
  13. AceOfDeath


    thanks :) I just got the forum updated so I will update the style after the holiday. Glad you said that... I would have been really angry if it would have gone and I didnt know why haha
  14. AceOfDeath


    will this over-write any design changes I have mode to the forum before the update? cause I am really happy with my look and would not be able to get it back to the way I like it easily
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