Waiting for XF2 eagerly!

Waiting for XF2 eagerly!

Using a mind map to order complicated ideas and requirements. Composer will be a life saver.

Affinity Photo is the best money I've spent in a while, much cheaper than PS, much easier than GIMP!
So i looked into this program, and it seems really good. Can you give more details about you're experience with this software.
Looks like a cool design, and the software looks really cool. Different from photoshop
@oO5 Dynasty thanks!

It looks and behaves like PS (a clone of some sort), hadn't had to re-train my muscle memory much to do the above prototype.

The thing that I really liked initially was the compatibility with existing PS plugins (e.g. Google Nik Collection).

There have been some mouse click / selection issues on my system, which I haven't yet troubleshooted as I'm busy programming. I didn't mind them in the trial, but I grew tired of them afterwards :)

BTW Serif, the company that develops Affinity Photo, is UK based just like XenForo.

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