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CAPTCHA options

Selecting a CAPTCHA Type#

XenForo includes support for reCAPTCHA and custom CAPTCHA questions. You may select your CAPTCHA type from the options:

  1. Log in to the admin control panel.
  2. Select Options.
  3. Select Basic board information.
  4. Locate the Enable CAPTCHA for guests section and select the CAPTCHA type.

Question and answer CAPTCHA#

Included within XenForo is a bespoke CAPTCHA system which can be used as an additional spam prevention measure.

If enabled, it requires questions to be answered correctly for new registrations and, if allowed, guests posting messages. This helps to prevent robots from registering and creating content.

Creating custom questions and answers#

  1. Log into the admin control panel.
  2. Select the Setup section.
  3. Click on Q&A CAPTCHA from the list.

Once at the main screen, click on the Add question button.


It is imperative that you do not make the list of questions and answers public, as that will compromise the integrity of the system.

Questions can be created with as many answers as you wish, any one of which will be accepted as the correct response.

Visiting users who need to complete a CAPTCHA will be presented with a random item from the list of active questions.