Well-known member isn't your normal forum site.
Why waste your time formulating a great post or thread when you can save time and just drop a blurb or three?
This site's only intended purpose is for chatting, probably heavily leaning toward xF and other forum software topics.
In fact, the only forum that exists is for the chat archive.
Private conversations and profile posts are also allowed and encouraged, to get other members' attention.
All faiths are welcome and represented, although some countries are discouraged from registering, and the suggested age limit is 18.
I plan to spend a lot of time there asking and answering a lot of questions about xF, life, and Steeler/Husker talk. What else could a person ask for?
Add-ons in use:
Pop Up Chat:
Why waste your time formulating a great post or thread when you can save time and just drop a blurb or three?
This site's only intended purpose is for chatting, probably heavily leaning toward xF and other forum software topics.
In fact, the only forum that exists is for the chat archive.
Private conversations and profile posts are also allowed and encouraged, to get other members' attention.
All faiths are welcome and represented, although some countries are discouraged from registering, and the suggested age limit is 18.
I plan to spend a lot of time there asking and answering a lot of questions about xF, life, and Steeler/Husker talk. What else could a person ask for?
Add-ons in use:
- MinerSkinz Metro and Metro Dark styles.
- Shelley's extended smiley pack
- Taigachat Pro
Pop Up Chat: