vBulletin Albums URL redirection script


Well-known member
vb albums content is shared throughout forums and on other sites. Without redirects many embedded images will stop working and google will apply dead link penalties to our websites.
My forum contains tens of thousands of embedded vb albums images.

Here is the example URL to vb profile images:

@Brad L
Upvote 4
I wasn't able to find this. In vBulletin it's called User Albums and these names threw me off "PhotoPost vBGallery". Is yours working the same as the one I linked earlier just for galleries too?
I wasn't able to find this. In vBulletin it's called User Albums and these names threw me off "PhotoPost vBGallery". Is yours working the same as the one I linked earlier just for galleries too?
Those redirection scripts are for vBGallery. I'm saying they could be adapted to work with vB Albums.

I guess no developer has noticed this project yet.
Maybe so, though I guess no one has contacted a developer yet.
I am highly willing to share at hiring a developer for working redirect scripts for Photopost Pro (not Photopost vBGallery). Someone to join and who could be the suitable developer?
I have hired a quality developer to develop this and am willing to share the costs. Contact me for more information.
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