Lack of interest [Tweak] the search results page to include the # of likes a thread has received

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Active member
I wanted to suggest a certain Twitter/Facebook integration so I tried to follow the rules and searched first. There are several threads on this topic. I didn't want to read each article to determine which was likely most popular or relevant with the XF membership. If the search results included the number of 'likes' a thread received, it would be immensely useful, helpful, and save lots of time. Right now, I don't have time to read those threads and since my idea above may get 'likes' from the community, I will exploit this moment to get exposure for the idea and possibly garner more 'likes' for this thread.:D

[EDIT: I just noticed that the 'What's New?' thread results page and the 'Watched Threads' results page could benefit from the above as well.]

[DOUBLE EDIT: I realized I should have searched for the above suggestion only afer I posted this. Maybe I should go to sleep now.]

My idea was...

Have an option in the user account management area where you can select whether you want the option to post to Facebook/Twitter/etc when you post a thread or even reply on the forum (in some cases a reply may be relevant).

If you selected Twitter integration, you would be given an alternative field that automatically prepopulates with the forum thread title, but that is editable so you can modify/optimize the post title for publishing on Twitter while also including certain relevant Twitter tags (or whatever you call them) that you would not want to feature in the thread title on a forum.

If you selected Facebook integration, you may not need the same alternate field that you would like with Twitter integration, but you may want to have one of the following options:

* - like your own thread under your Facebook account OR
* - post it to your Facebook wall
* - post it on the wall of certain Facebook friends

Not sure whether that is possible but it would be what I would want in a dream world. I apologize if my Twitter/Facebook lingo isn't right. Please ask questions for clarification if necessary.
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