XF 1.2 Thread Create button is double in forum view, how can fix?


That is plain text with no link back to here and unless you have purchased branding free, that is a breach of the license terms and conditions.

That is plain text with no link back to here and unless you have purchased branding free, that is a breach of the license terms and conditions.
Check it again carefully, you will see the redirect link to Xenforo.com because i use the addon GoodForNothing Url Redirector :) So the link takes the following form:


I can't use the redirect for this link? Let me know and i will fix if this isn't accepted!

And please help me fix this problem!
Check it again carefully, you will see the redirect link to Xenforo.com because i use the addon GoodForNothing Url Redirector :) So the link takes the following form:


I can't use the redirect for this link?

Default xenforo plain html:
<div id="copyright"><!--XF:branding--><a class="concealed" href="http://xenforo.com">Forum software by XenForo&trade; <span>&copy;2010-2013 XenForo Ltd.</span></a><!--/XF:branding--></div>

<div id="copyright">Forum software by XenForo&trade; &copy;2011 XenForo Ltd.</div>
That is still not acceptable.

Please remove the redirect and revert it to the original state.

I have locked this thread until you do so.

If you fail to comply, your account will be limited.
Check for any customized template such as : forum_view or possibly thread_list

Also could be a plugin.
I don't think the reason is addon, because i try to use another style and don't see the same problem.

I try to check the template forum_view and remove the code below
<xen:if is="{$canPostThread}">
    <xen:set var="$newDiscussionButton"><a href="{xen:link 'forums/create-thread', $forum}" class="callToAction"><span>{xen:phrase post_new_thread}</span></a></xen:set>
    <xen:if is="!{$renderedNodes}">
        <xen:topctrl>{xen:raw $newDiscussionButton}</xen:topctrl>

But after removed, both of the button is disappear, i only want to remove one of these double buttons :(
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