Showcase (Reviews, Guides, Garage, Directory etc)

Showcase (Reviews, Guides, Garage, Directory etc) [Paid] 2.9.0

No permission to buy ($55.00)
I have not released the XF2 version of Showcase yet. When I do, there will be a resource for it in the XF2 addons section of the Resource Manager.

What "Classifieds" Addon? I don't have a "Classifieds" addon.
Hi Bob, sorry to ask the same Q I'm sure you get asked alot - any news on an XF2 version as I really need a garage mod for my site. Is it weeks / months / infinity away?
I think I may have just made a mistake purchasing showcase right now:(
I am new to Xenforo. I just purchased XF2, then showcase. I started to follow the install instructions. I went to Add-ons in the CP, but showcase wasn't there.

It now looks like it is not yet ready for XF2:( , is that right? I will just have to sit on my copy for a while?

I think I may have just made a mistake purchasing showcase right now:(
I am new to Xenforo. I just purchased XF2, then showcase. I started to follow the install instructions. I went to Add-ons in the CP, but showcase wasn't there.

It now looks like it is not yet ready for XF2:( , is that right? I will just have to sit on my copy for a while?

It is ready for xf2. Contact Bob on his support site.
I think I may have just made a mistake purchasing showcase right now:(
I am new to Xenforo. I just purchased XF2, then showcase. I started to follow the install instructions. I went to Add-ons in the CP, but showcase wasn't there.

It now looks like it is not yet ready for XF2:( , is that right? I will just have to sit on my copy for a while?

Sounds like you might have downloaded an XF1 version instead of the XF2 version. SC 1.x and SC 2.x are for XF1 only. SC 3.x is for XF2.

There is only one XF2 version of Showcase available right now (Showcase 3.0.0 Release Candidate 4). You have access to that as a Premium license holder. Instructions on how to install XF2 addons can be found here: I also inboxed you at my support site with more detailed information.
It now looks like it is not yet ready for XF2:( , is that right? I will just have to sit on my copy for a while?

I just installed it on a test site its working fine, @rcull did you follow the correct file structure when you loaded your files to the server?
I think my problem is I have XF1; Showcase_2_9_3 .

I have read the email from Bob at and expect that once I download the SC3 version, everything will probably flow. Am I going to be able to use the XF1 importer, or should I be looking for something else?

I have now downloaded 3.0.0 Release Candidate 4.

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The install went smoothly with the correct version.
Just thought I would check, I expect it is just fine to do an import with

Trying to purchase this addon but the site isn't letting me:


I registered to their site yesterday and am currently logged in.
Tried contacting the author via the contact form on the site but 24 hours later still nothing.

I'm always surprised when people make it so difficult to spend money on their products. Not the first time this happens...
Trying to purchase this addon but the site isn't letting me:

View attachment 195351

I registered to their site yesterday and am currently logged in.
Tried contacting the author via the contact form on the site but 24 hours later still nothing.

I'm always surprised when people make it so difficult to spend money on their products. Not the first time this happens...
You need to send him a conversation with your XF license validation token. It isn't that hard to do.
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Trying to purchase this addon but the site isn't letting me:
You are seeing that message because your account has not not been fully validated yet. I have a few registration requirements, one of which involves XenForo license validation. I'll need the following information so that your account can be validated (just include it with the conversation you just started with me here).


As for not replying yet, its the weekend. Unless its an emergency, I only respond to contact us inquiries during normal business hours, which are Mon-Fri (08:00-17:30 Mountain).
Question for others running Showcase - I realize it's not possible to run multiple instances of Showcase (unfortunately), but have any of you configured Showcase for different uses (completely different types of items) to make it seem like you have multiple instances, by creating separate categories and making it appear as each category is a different section? I'm trying to plan out what would need to be done if I were to do this.

You'd probably have to create links for "your X items", "your Y items", "your Z items", as well as break out the "Watched" links, and make sure all widgets are separated by category so they don't all get mixed together. What else would need to be done?
...have any of you configured Showcase for different uses (completely different types of items) to make it seem like you have multiple instances, by creating separate categories and making it appear as each category is a different section? I'm trying to plan out what would need to be done if I were to do this.

You'd probably have to create links for "your X items", "your Y items", "your Z items", as well as break out the "Watched" links, and make sure all widgets are separated by category so they don't all get mixed together. What else would need to be done?
You can do a lot of it via using the "Modular Index" and "Modular Category" features within Showcase. @TheLaw does this with AMS (and you'd do it the same way with Showcase). He's got AMS set as the HOME page of his site and has configured AMS to use Modular Home instead of the standard index. What this allows is you to add modules (configured via Categories) and or Widgets (via [bd] Widget Framework) instead of the bland paginated listing of all content within the system approach (which has its place, just not in this use case).

Law Guide and Law Journal are AMS Categories and they are configured as Modular Index as well instead of the standard Index page. He's added navigation tabs for each category to the main nav bar. He's chosen to keep the Category Navigation in the sidebar, however, you can tweak it so that its just navigation within that specific category (giving the appearance of a multi instance). There are some some enhancements in the XF2 version of SC (like Category Content Term) that helps with phrases... eg, Chris reacted to Bills Hot Rod, Bob reacted to Karens Hotel Listing etc... Add new Hotel Listing, Add new vehicle, Rate this Hotel, Review this Movie (replaces the generic term "item" where ever possible).

If you have more questions about it, contact @TheLaw (he's super nice and easy to talk to) or start a thread at in the Showcase support forum (or contact me privately).
Is there a history function build in to let other people working at the content, too?
All my addons implement a History Handler (which is a core XF Handler) for each content type that has 'edit' functionality and a 'message' field (Items, Comments, Reviews).

Note: Showcase is not a WIKI that allows multiple authors, so if you are expecting multiple members to edit a Showcase Item, Showcase would not be appropriate for your use case as only the Content Owner (or moderators) can edit a give Showcase Item.
Showcase would not be appropriate for your use case as only the Content Owner (or moderators) can edit a give Showcase Item.
Although since Bob's add-ons also make good use of the permission system you could in theory make some users Showcase only moderators to edit other people's showcase items to hack in a wiki style workflow correct?

You could give users the "edit any item" permission?
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Yes, i understand it. It is always a story of trust and backups. :)
I have written some more ideas at your home forum and i have asked for a coder for these really wonderful new bbcode with the name [edit] here in the forum. So let´s hope there is a man somewhere that cant sleep this night. :)
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