Save options callback. Clear simpleCache

Espen Espelund

Active member
I got a plugin that saves a query to simpleCache with cron every 5 min.
When I update the addon options, I obviously want to clear the cache. Are there some way to set up a callback / listener when saving an options group?
Figured it out.

class Fitnessbloggen_HotThreads_ControllerAdmin_Option extends XFCP_Fitnessbloggen_HotThreads_ControllerAdmin_Option
    public function actionSave()
        $input = $this->_input->filter(array('group_id' => XenForo_Input::STRING));
        if ($input['group_id'] == "hotthreads") {
            XenForo_Application::setSimpleCacheData('hotThreads', false);
        return parent::actionSave();
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