RTL related question


Well-known member

I've noticed that left and right in css templates are automatically replaced once you change to RTL language.
For example, float: right; is automatically replaced with float: left;

My question is how to cancel this behavior for specific rule?
For instance, an element that I want it to float to the left, both in RTL and LTR.
You will have different themes for LTR and RTL languages, right?
If so, then you can simply modify the style properties of particular element. If you don't find style property easily then you can put your CSS override in EXTRA.css file of particular theme. But keep in mind that swapping of left and right properties/values happens in EXTRA.css file as well. Hence override it carefully. :-)
You will have different themes for LTR and RTL languages, right?
If so, then you can simply modify the style properties of particular element. If you don't find style property easily then you can put your CSS override in EXTRA.css file of particular theme. But keep in mind that swapping of left and right properties/values happens in EXTRA.css file as well. Hence override it carefully. :)
It's one theme that need to be supported in both LTR and RTL.
I am not aware of a workaround available in XenForo as such. Probably some template modification with hard-coded conditionals will work. I would rather prefer suggesting a more modern approach for bi-directional support once the XenForo-1.2 is generally available. I have made a similar suggestion in another framework earlier.
Thanks. I guess I'll report about that as well, if it's not reported already.
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