XF 1.1 Restirct forum access to moderators and above


Active member
One forum I'm a partial admin on is in critical condition - at this point we just want the staff forum open for the staff to discuss the matter with everything else shut down. I'm not familiar with how XF processes permissions, so how resource intensive would it be to adjust the permissions on each node to deny everything to the registered users group (90k users?) Is this something that has to propagate or not?

Anything resource intensive is out of the question at this point.
Revoke View access to the Registered group, allow it for the staff group.

Is this a cheap operation in 1.1? With hundreds of thousands of threads, I want to make sure the permissions don't have to propagate down to thread level, or does it just check permissions when a user tries to hit a specific page under that node? (I honestly just don't know exactly how the permissions are actually applied on the back end - with the current state of the forum I don't want to risk an operation that may hard crash it.)
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