XF 1.1 Placeholders


When sending email to a user, you are told you can use {name}, {id} and {email} as placeholders. Are there any more placeholders available? And can these placeholders be used anywhere else?

I ask because I see some email phrases (like user account approved) that have placeholders like {board_title} but they don't seem to work in my outgoing emails.

The tokens for the mass mailer are explicitly defined in the controller:


Rich (BB code):
	protected function _sendEmail(array $user, array $email, Zend_Mail_Transport_Abstract $transport)
		if (!$user['email'])
			return false;

		$mailObj = new Zend_Mail('utf-8');
			->addTo($user['email'], $user['username'])
			->setFrom($email['from_email'], $email['from_name']);

		$options = XenForo_Application::get('options');
		$bounceEmailAddress = $options->bounceEmailAddress;
		if (!$bounceEmailAddress)
			$bounceEmailAddress = $options->defaultEmailAddress;

		if ($email['email_format'] == 'html')
			$replacements = array(
				'{name}' => htmlspecialchars($user['username']),
				'{email}' => htmlspecialchars($user['email']),
				'{id}' => $user['user_id']
			$email['email_body'] = strtr($email['email_body'], $replacements);

			$text = trim(

			$replacements = array(
				'{name}' => $user['username'],
				'{email}' => $user['email'],
				'{id}' => $user['user_id']
			$email['email_body'] = strtr($email['email_body'], $replacements);


		catch (Exception $e)
			return false;

		return true;

This code can be modified, or an addon can be created to extend this controller.

Other stock emails (e.g. activation emails) have their tokens defined in the email templates:

Admin CP -> Development -> Email Templates

For example, in the user_lost_password email template you can see the tokens defined when the phrase is called:

Rich (BB code):
{xen:phrase user_lost_password_body_text,
	"confirm_link={xen:link 'canonical:lost-password/confirm', $user, 'c={$confirmation.confirmation_key}'}"

FYI, the Development tab and Email Templates are only accessible in debug mode. Add this line to your library/config.php file:

$config['debug'] = 1;
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