Media Site: Own OpenLayers map with & in the URL - Not working


Active member
I'm currently trying to create a media site for my OpenLayers map. I've created a second fullscreen map For embedding.

But now there is a problem with the & in the URL.

Match URLs:
Embed HTML:
<iframe src="{$id}" width="600" height="450" frameborder="0" style="border:0"></iframe>

When I try to add the url as a media, it detects the right media site and creates this code:

The problem is now, that this code isn't working. The map is not inserted.

If I just add zoom=2 inside the media tag, the map is visible, but of course not with the correct position, the important part is missing. So I think XenForo has a problem with the &, is this correct? What can I do?

I hope you can help me with it, thanks!
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