XF 1.4 May I use xen:if conditionals on BBcode?

I need some custom BBcode for my forum, but I want to show a register link to users.

I tried with conditionals as seen here but I got no luck.
If I use the third conditional, "how can I show different content to guests and logged in members?" as in this example:
<xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id}">
This content will show to logged in members
<xen:else />
This content will show to guests
The resulting (parsed) BBcode is:
This content will show to logged in membersThis content will show to guests

Seems that conditionals are only ignored...
The basic custom BB code system does not support templates. You could do conditionals by using a callback function to define the template to render the BB code. This would require custom coding though.
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