Master Badge [Paid] [Deleted]

About the ability to display trophy icons in the user post-bit, once you featured a badge, it will be displayed.
Oh yes i noticed, the way to display it more like medal via one setting, display "X featured badges" instead of just one, then just shows the icons at a specific size where you can mouse-over its name! That makes it really interesting to people to show-off the badges they are most proud of. :)

The badge Social Connect wondering about the default icon, because on the demo is always facebook, not sure if the category should display a custom item, but a list with unlocks side of it like 1/10 Trophies earned (visible ones) feels good.
Is this working with title ladder?

Just check your link here:

I see a nice way to show new post, new thread, most replied etc... what add-on you use?


  • xtremeZone.webp
    39.7 KB · Views: 43
I have had issues installing the XML, when i try it goes to the install page but leaves it white and no rebuilding anything... checking my sever error logs this is the error it shows

"ErrorException: Fatal Error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM, expecting T_VARIABLE - library/Milano/Common/Install.php:31"

I am running Xenfor 1.3.4 any help would be great
I have had issues installing the XML, when i try it goes to the install page but leaves it white and no rebuilding anything... checking my sever error logs this is the error it shows

"ErrorException: Fatal Error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM, expecting T_VARIABLE - library/Milano/Common/Install.php:31"

I am running Xenfor 1.3.4 any help would be great

What version of PHP your server is running?
hmm, php at that location says 5.2.17, when on my actual web server it says 5.3... I take it 5.2 would be the issue here
okay, resolved the issue as i downgrade my php for my whole server to 5.2 then back upto 5.4 and install worked, not sure why it was saying 1 thing and had installed another
okay, resolved the issue as i downgrade my php for my whole server to 5.2 then back upto 5.4 and install worked, not sure why it was saying 1 thing and had installed another

Glad that it worked. I think 5.2 is correct because that information based on phpinfo() function
Nice update, Few Questions.

You added in the Level Increases Every Level I asked for, But can you make it show how much it will increase every level? say by 5 every level or 10? Also it says every Levels, should take that s out ;)

2nd, you working on a Widget to show say the top 10 highest leveled people?
Nice update, Few Questions.

You added in the Level Increases Every Level I asked for, But can you make it show how much it will increase every level? say by 5 every level or 10? Also it says every Levels, should take that s out ;)

2nd, you working on a Widget to show say the top 10 highest leveled people?

1. Sure, i will do that and thanks for the grammar correction :D
2. It would be available in the next release, for now you can view it in Notable Members > Most Point.

PS: Thanks again for your suggestions
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