XF 1.4 Logging out when restarting browser


Active member

Since yesterday I've been having this weird problem that XenForo (on my website) signs out when restarting the browser (tested in Chrome and Firefox) even though it's set to remember me.

Do you know if anything can cause this? I enabled caching on my website 3 days ago, but I'm highly doubting that that would be the case.
Cookies are not (necessarily) shared between them. You should force access to one or the other.
Ok, thank you, Mike. It just wasn't a problem until yesterday, so I think it's a bit weird if it has something to do with the cookies... But what do I know - I'm not a developer :)

To anyone experiencing the same, I just added this to the .htaccess file:
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://mydomain.com/$1 [R,L]
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