ismemberof alternate ways


Well-known member
I know there is:
{xen:helper ismemberof, $user, 11}

Are there other methods such as:
{xen:helper ismemberid, $user, 1}

I tried the ismemberid above but didn't work, just using as an example.

All of the helper functions are in this file:


Rich (BB code):
	public static $helperCallbacks = array(
		'avatar'            => array('self', 'helperAvatarUrl'),
		'avatarcropcss'     => array('self', 'helperAvatarCropCss'),
		'username'          => array('self', 'helperUserName'),
		'usertitle'         => array('self', 'helperUserTitle'),
		'richusername'      => array('self', 'helperRichUserName'),
		'userblurb'         => array('self', 'helperUserBlurb'),
		'sortarrow'         => array('self', 'helperSortArrow'),
		'json'              => array('self', 'helperJson'),
		'clearfix'          => array('XenForo_ViewRenderer_Css', 'helperClearfix'),
		'cssimportant'      => array('XenForo_ViewRenderer_Css', 'helperCssImportant'),
		'snippet'           => array('self', 'helperSnippet'),
		'bodytext'          => array('self', 'helperBodyText'),
		'bbcode'            => array('self', 'helperBbCode'),
		'highlight'         => array('XenForo_Helper_String', 'highlightSearchTerm'),
		'striphtml'         => array('self', 'helperStripHtml'),
		'linktitle'         => array('XenForo_Link', 'buildIntegerAndTitleUrlComponent'),
		'wrap'              => array('self', 'helperWrap'),
		'wordtrim'          => array('self', 'helperWordTrim'),
		'pagenumber'        => array('self', 'helperPageNumber'),
		'dump'              => array('self', 'helperDump'),
		'type'              => array('self', 'helperType'),
		'implode'           => array('self', 'helperImplode'),
		'rgba'			    => array('XenForo_Helper_Color', 'rgba'),
		'unrgba'            => array('XenForo_Helper_Color', 'unrgba'),
		'fullurl'           => array('XenForo_Link', 'convertUriToAbsoluteUri'),
		'ismemberof'        => array('self', 'helperIsMemberOf'),
		'twitterlang'       => array('self', 'helperTwitterLanguage'),
		'listitemid'        => array('XenForo_Template_Helper_Admin', 'getListItemId'),
		'threadprefix'      => array('self', 'helperThreadPrefix'),
		'threadprefixgroup' => array('self', 'helperThreadPrefixGroup'),
		'ignoredcss'        => array('self', 'helperIgnoredCss'),
		'isignored'         => array('self', 'helperIsIgnored'),
		'nodeclasses'       => array('self', 'helperNodeClasses'),

		'avatarhtml'        => array('self', 'helperAvatarHtml'),
		'datetimehtml'      => array('self', 'helperDateTimeHtml'),
		'followhtml'        => array('self', 'helperFollowHtml'),
		'likeshtml'         => array('self', 'helperLikesHtml'),
		'pagenavhtml'       => array('self', 'helperPageNavHtml'),
		'usernamehtml'      => array('self', 'helperUserNameHtml'),

		'userfieldtitle'    => array('self', 'helperUserFieldTitle'),
		'userfieldvalue'    => array('self', 'helperUserFieldValue'),

		'javascripturl'     => array('self', 'helperJavaScriptUrl'),

You can see that ismemberof points to the helperIsMemberOf() function in the same file.
Oh I thought each helper was housed in the core file such as helperIsMemberOf() was located in Member.php

Thanks, I'll look into it further from the file.
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