Is Instagram forum-like ? is it blog-like ?

Digital Doctor

Well-known member
Is Instagram a forum ? is it a blog ?

... where the image is the "topic" and the replies / comments are the thread ?

If Instagram is blog-like / forum-like .... and is still-image based ... what will be the next Instagram ?

Videogram ? (heh: URL taken ht tp://
Audiogram ?
Instagram is DEAD. :LOL:
Ixnay on the dead-yay.

Spirograph is dead.
Instagram is fun to share Photos with my family.
Especially for my "No Facebook" life.


I remember loving spirograph :)
Many youngsters nowadays use instagram as a means to show off their stuffs. I mean showing off what they branded stuffs they bought, what branded stuffs they owned, etc. Its purpose is no longer sharing photo but rather showing off in my opinion.
Instagram is more of like MySpace (userbase) of Pinterest (site use).

I wouldn't liken it to neither a forum or a blog, but I would "liken" it similar to Pinterest where the image with some description is the topic.
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