XF 1.1 Internet Explorer - No thread post

Adam Howard

Well-known member
I don't have Internet Explorer, I use Ubuntu Linux and my options are Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, or generally anything else that is free and will work on Linux or through WINE (No, Internet Explorer will not install through Wine, Microsoft got wise to that).

So I have a user who I'd like to help out and she uses Internet Explorer. She also refuses to switch. Her problem is she can't make new threads, but she can reply.

I've told her to press the compatibility button a few times and I'm fairly sure she has.

Anyone using Internet Explorer 9 or 8.... If you can help locate the issue... I'd be thankful.

Password: firefox-is-better

We have a whole forum completely dedicated for testing. Go wild. lol


Thank you in advance :)
Small update....

I have confirmed that the site works with Internet Explorer 9, but she claims she has Internet Explorer 8.

I still do not know why this isn't working and could really use some help with this.

Please and thank you. :)
The default style with no customizations.
Ya, we don't have that (never did). It uses to much resources on XenForo to have more than X styles. About the only resource flaw in XenForo.

...... I guess I could try to "risk it" .... Hopefully not nuke things .... And generate another default skin and turn off TMS for that one. God knows what that will look like with all the add-ons and special customization I have that require you to do edits.

I was kind of hoping someone here with Firebug or something, could point out what I maybe missing though.....
Your custom style might have a browser incompatibility. That is what I am trying to determine by testing the default style. If we can establish a browser incompatibility then we can start to debug your style. Unfortunately IE doesn't have firebug or an element inspector for easy debugging.
Your custom style might have a browser incompatibility. That is what I am trying to determine by testing the default style. If we can establish a browser incompatibility then we can start to debug your style. Unfortunately IE doesn't have firebug or an element inspector for easy debugging.
For 8 and upwards they have one, but it is about as useful as a pair of very old socks, that kinda stinks a little bit.... </offtopic>
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