How to manipulate forum list on start page?


Well-known member
Where can I manipulate the forum list on start page? I have serious problems displaying the list as it is twice as slow as my vb 4 install. Could you point me into some directions where I could improve the speed of displaying forums (as a list)?
it is a list.


actually, the html code by vbulletin 4 renders slower than the semantic html5 unordered and ordered list by xenforo.

It's probably something else on the page that takes longer to render in browsers.
Hi Floris, thanks. Actually PHP takes too long to process the page. I'd like to know where to start for improving the algorithm that outputs the forum list.
Hi Floris, thanks. Actually PHP takes too long to process the page. I'd like to know where to start for improving the algorithm that outputs the forum list.
* Base template rendering class.
* Note that due to a lack of late static binding support, all static properties
* and any method that deals with those properties (via "self", regardless of whether
* it's static or not) must be (re)defined in child classes!
* @package XenForo_Core
abstract class XenForo_Template_Abstract

That seems a suitable place to start. Work your way through XenForo_Template_x classes.
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