How long have you been running your community?


Well-known member
Last week was the 11th birthday of our forum community (gosh in a couple of years that means I'll have been there practically half of my life!!!). Anyway, so I was interested to know how long you all have been running your communities?
Six years. Technically, we opened actual forums in June six years ago, but we started out with a 'blog' with comments that got out of hand starting in March 2005.
It's interesting to see how things change over the years... the people that come and go and the long-timers. I think if someone were to ask me what's been the most useful thing I've learnt during the time we've been running, I'd have to say conflict management LOL!
CarlosX360 network forum has been going for 3 years, its down right now, but it'll be back. Soon.

CODForums has been running for close to 2 years.
quite a few startups in March... that's interesting! :)

We started off at Delphi forums *shudders* lol
We're all March babies haha! I'm just glad I wasn't born a day later because I would hate to be an April Fools baby lol!!!
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