Facebook OpenGraph : What Is It Anyway?


Well-known member
Can someone tell me what exactly is Facebook opengraph, why is it a big deal and how can XF boards benefit from it (at all)?
I love OG... but I mainly use it as an OpenID alternative. Would prefer to use OpenID, but everything uses OG.
Would prefer to use OpenID, but everything uses OG.

OpenID is dead, IPB removed it in the latest release.

Can someone tell me what exactly is Facebook opengraph, why is it a big deal and how can XF boards benefit from it (at all)?

Start here: http://ogp.me/

OpenGraph is basically a way to turn your web page into a "social object" - a page about a movie could contain OpenGraph tags for the movie title, year, etc, and Facebook can process that on their end to make a rich fan page. For a forum, it honestly isn't that useful though.
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