Disable email / password change



First of all let me take this chance to thank you for this wonderful software. It's really great and very easy to use. Like a new breath of fresh air after vBulletin 3.8 I used to have.

Now to the actual point :) I've created user single sign on / register module for our major website so users are registered/logged (in/out) in xenForo. The final step needed - I would like them to be able to modify password / email only in my major website. I don't want this functionality to be enabled in the forums to avoid confusion.

Could you please advise what way would be the most correct? Is there a setting like that? Or may be I need to get rid of some specific code in template?

Thanks in advance.
You will want to edit the navigation_visitor_tab template. This is the one that pops up when you hover over your username. Comment out the the Password link so it doesn't show.

The next template to edit is the account_contact_details template, comment out the Email Address and Current Password.
Worked like a charm! Thank you very much, Andy. There is one more place though :)

account_wrapper template that contains direct link to change password page.

Thanks again! Please consider this thread closed 8)
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