Correct Background Size?


New member
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I'm having a bit of an issue, that really concerns me. The issue is, i want to have a custom background that looks correct on my site. However, although i have accomplished properly installing the custom background, i noticed the background size looks different on different computers, due to their different screen size, or resolution.

My Question:
Is there a way to make the background a universal size, so to say? So that no matter what computer views the site, it will look correct. I noticed on Xenforo's main page, the background looks perfect on different computers, so if anyone knows how to help me please do so!

Thank you so much for your time.
On XenFans I have an image that goes to the bottom of the page, centers, and stretches based on the width of the browser. You can see it live on the site. Resize the image if you want. That's how I do it, by adding this to extra.css:

html { background-color: #defaultbghexvalue; }
body {
background-image: url('background-image.png');
background-position: bottom center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
-moz-background-size: 100%; -o-background-size: 100%; -webkit-background-size: 100%; background-size: 100%;
On XenFans I have an image that goes to the bottom of the page, centers, and stretches based on the width of the browser. You can see it live on the site. Resize the image if you want. That's how I do it, by adding this to extra.css:

html { background-color: #defaultbghexvalue; }
body {
background-image: url('background-image.png');
background-position: bottom center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
-moz-background-size: 100%; -o-background-size: 100%; -webkit-background-size: 100%; background-size: 100%;

Thank you very much Floris! Works perfectly :)
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