XF 1.1 Changing link behaviour

Neil E.

Active member
It looks like XenForo always opens external links (pages from other sites) in new windows/tabs which is fine. Internal links (within the forum) open in the same window/tab.

If I wanted all links to open in new windows, are there settings to obtain this?
This is the relevant code:


Removing the red code should do it:

Rich (BB code):
	 * Gets the class and target to apply to a specified link URL.

	 * @param string $url
	 * @return array [class, target, type (internal/external)]
	public static function getLinkClassTarget($url)
		$target = '_blank';
		$class = 'externalLink';
		$type = 'external';

		$urlInfo = @parse_url($url);
		if ($urlInfo)
			$host = $urlInfo['host'] . (!empty($urlInfo['port']) ? ":$urlInfo[port]" : '');
			if ($host == XenForo_Application::$host)
				$target = '';
				$class = 'internalLink';
				$type = 'internal';

		return array($class, $target, $type);

Or you can edit the bb code parser instead (which makes use of the helper):


See the renderTagUrl() function. You can extend this class through the addon system so this might be preferable to editing the helper.
Since this thread was made in 2012. The coding has changed a bit.

Can you tell me if i am correct to delete all of this? I tested it and it seems to work fine. Just wanted to double check i am not deleting anything good.

This is what i deleted (in the red):

* Gets the class and target to apply to a specified link URL.

* @param string $url
* @return array [class, target, type (internal/external), scheme match]
public static function getLinkClassTarget($url)
$target = '_blank';
$class = 'externalLink';
$type = 'external';
$schemeMatch = true;

$urlInfo = @parse_url($url);
if ($urlInfo)
if (empty($urlInfo['host']))
$isInternal = true;
$host = $urlInfo['host'] . (!empty($urlInfo['port']) ? ":$urlInfo[port]" : '');
$isInternal = ($host == XenForo_Application::$host && strpos($url, 'proxy.php') === false);

$scheme = (!empty($urlInfo['scheme']) ? strtolower($urlInfo['scheme']) : 'http');
$schemeMatch = $scheme == (XenForo_Application::$secure ? 'https' : 'http');

if ($isInternal)
$target = '';
$class = 'internalLink';
$type = 'internal';

return array($class, $target, $type, $schemeMatch);
Since this thread was made in 2012. The coding has changed a bit.

Can you tell me if i am correct to delete all of this? I tested it and it seems to work fine. Just wanted to double check i am not deleting anything good.

This is what i deleted (in the red):

* Gets the class and target to apply to a specified link URL.

* @param string $url
* @return array [class, target, type (internal/external), scheme match]
public static function getLinkClassTarget($url)
$target = '_blank';
$class = 'externalLink';
$type = 'external';
$schemeMatch = true;

$urlInfo = @parse_url($url);
if ($urlInfo)
if (empty($urlInfo['host']))
$isInternal = true;
$host = $urlInfo['host'] . (!empty($urlInfo['port']) ? ":$urlInfo[port]" : '');
$isInternal = ($host == XenForo_Application::$host && strpos($url, 'proxy.php') === false);

$scheme = (!empty($urlInfo['scheme']) ? strtolower($urlInfo['scheme']) : 'http');
$schemeMatch = $scheme == (XenForo_Application::$secure ? 'https' : 'http');

if ($isInternal)
$target = '';
$class = 'internalLink';
$type = 'internal';

return array($class, $target, $type, $schemeMatch);
That's what I took out and worked fine
Since this thread was made in 2012. The coding has changed a bit.[...]
        $urlInfo = @parse_url($url);
        if ($urlInfo)
            if (empty($urlInfo['host']))
                $isInternal = true;
                $host = $urlInfo['host'] . (!empty($urlInfo['port']) ? ":$urlInfo[port]" : '');
                $isInternal = ($host == XenForo_Application::$host && strpos($url, 'proxy.php') === false);

                $scheme = (!empty($urlInfo['scheme']) ? strtolower($urlInfo['scheme']) : 'http');
                $schemeMatch = $scheme == (XenForo_Application::$secure ? 'https' : 'http');

            if ($isInternal)
                $target = '';
                $class = 'internalLink';
                $type = 'internal';
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