XF 1.4 Breadcrumbs



How to make the Home Icon (Breadcrumb) to link to the forum directory forum.site.com instead of site.com?

I want the Homepage link at the top (menu bar) to link to the main site whereas the home link on the breadcrumbs to link to the main board.
I want the Homepage link at the top (menu bar) to link to the main site whereas the home link on the breadcrumbs to link to the main board.
Another option is to hide the Home breadcrumb link. It's just redundant with the Word Home just on top.
Another option is to hide the Home and Forums breadcrumb links. They just redundant with the Word Home and Forums just above.

For me, I'd just remove the Home link.
What do you mean ?
You mean the Breadcrumb shows up in google search results ?


Besides this, I'd like to keep breadcrumbs as I have found myself using them on forums alot.
A screenshot or a link to the site would be helpful, no idea what your working with and if it is a custom style you may need to contact the developer.
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