Sean James
Well-known member
Bluepearl Skins are happy to announce we released our first premade premium XenForo Skins.
Skins can be purchased from our store
Screenshots attached are from some of our XenForo Skins
All skins updated to 1.0.4
** 15th July 2011 Future is now available **
Live Eloquent demo:
Eloquent, EloquentBlue, EloquentGreen, EloquentRed
Live bTech demo:
bTechBlue, bTechBrown, bTechPurple, bTechGreen, bTechRed
Live BP-Black demo:
BP-Black, BP-BlackBlue, BP-BlackRed, BP-BlackGreen, BP-BlackOrange, BP-BlackYellow, BP-BlackCyan, BP-BlackLime, BP-BlackPink, BP-BlackPurple, BP-BlackSienna
Live BP-white demo
BP-White, BP-WhiteBlue, BP-WhiteRed, BP-WhiteGreen, BP-WhiteOrange, BP-WhiteBlack, BP-WhiteCyan, BP-WhiteLime, BP-WhitePink, BP-WhitePurple, BP-WhiteSienna
Live Future Demo
FutureBlack, FutureBlue, FutureGreen, FuturePink, FutureRed
Skins can be purchased from our store
We sell multiple colors of our skins in 1 package, so you only have to pay one price for all colors.
Our skins sell for $29.99 with 1 year of free updates and a yearly renewal of $14.99. You dont have to renew and can use the skins as long as you want. The renewal is for updates.
Click here to view our free XenForo Skins
Skins can be purchased from our store
Screenshots attached are from some of our XenForo Skins
All skins updated to 1.0.4
** 15th July 2011 Future is now available **
Live Eloquent demo:
Eloquent, EloquentBlue, EloquentGreen, EloquentRed
Live bTech demo:
bTechBlue, bTechBrown, bTechPurple, bTechGreen, bTechRed
Live BP-Black demo:
BP-Black, BP-BlackBlue, BP-BlackRed, BP-BlackGreen, BP-BlackOrange, BP-BlackYellow, BP-BlackCyan, BP-BlackLime, BP-BlackPink, BP-BlackPurple, BP-BlackSienna
Live BP-white demo
BP-White, BP-WhiteBlue, BP-WhiteRed, BP-WhiteGreen, BP-WhiteOrange, BP-WhiteBlack, BP-WhiteCyan, BP-WhiteLime, BP-WhitePink, BP-WhitePurple, BP-WhiteSienna
Live Future Demo
FutureBlack, FutureBlue, FutureGreen, FuturePink, FutureRed
Skins can be purchased from our store
We sell multiple colors of our skins in 1 package, so you only have to pay one price for all colors.
Our skins sell for $29.99 with 1 year of free updates and a yearly renewal of $14.99. You dont have to renew and can use the skins as long as you want. The renewal is for updates.
Click here to view our free XenForo Skins