Avatars / Message User Info Edits


Well-known member
I know I'm not the first person to ask this but all the other solutions didn't quite meet my needs. Basically I'd like a postbit similar to the one IGN has (I use them as an example because they run Xenforo), which you can look at here. I've had success in some editing the template as I want, but the primary problem I'm experiencing is that the avatars seem to be coded as background images, not as the standard image embed code.

For example,
Here is the code for an avatar on my forums:
<span class="img l" style="background-image: url('data/avatars/l/10/10202.jpg?1344910598')"></span>

On IGN, their avatars are coded as such:
<img alt="USERNAME" style="max-width: 140px; max-height: 140px;" src="LINK TO AVATAR">

My problem is, I can't find what to edit in order to change the background-image code to the standard img. I looked in the message_user_info template but the avatar code is:
<xen:avatar user="$user" size="L" />

I'm guessing the code is in another template somewhere but I've had no luck in finding it. Any help?
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