XF 1.4 Audio BBCODE with Dropbox possible?


Active member
I have this audio bbcode mod installed that uses native HTML5 player. Works fine with direct mp3 files (remote). But, using a shared dropbox link, it doesn't work. The strange thing that happens is that the player will show up, and about 3 seconds later just disappear from the browser. Weird outcome.

Anyone know of a trick around this? I'd like to utilize Dropbox (or even OneDrive) to use these uploaded files remotely and offset from the site's own drive and server.
When you share a link within your Dropbox, the link leads to a Dropbox landing page, so the embed will fail as it expects an audio file, not a webpage:

But if you change the query at the end (dl=1) then that seems to bypass the landing page and gives you a direct link. That should work:

I'd like to utilize Dropbox (or even OneDrive) to use these uploaded files remotely and offset from the site's own drive and server.
Just be careful when doing this. On free accounts Dropbox has a daily quota limit of 20 GB or 100,000 downloads (whichever comes first). If you exceed this your share links will be banned.
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