Animated Avatars


Well-known member
Ok so I checked a few posts on this and they are way over my head. Can anyone tell me how to allow my memberw to upload animated avatars? Hope it's easy and not a template or sever thingy. :confused: I;m hoping it's just a button I have to press. LOL

Thank you.
On my site, the avatars are only animated when you open the Member Card (by clicking on an avatar). I've seen some sites that have them working but I've never looked into how. One of my Likes of XF was the clean posting with less 'junk' for distraction.

Oh yeah, IGN has animated avatars - but they are very obnoxious (to me).
You need to have the PHP extention ImageMagick installed on your server and have it selected as the Default Image Processor in the ACP -> Options -> Attatchments page.

Then when you upload your gif it converts it to every avatar size so it will remain animated all over the site. I just spent the evening trying to get it work on my site, looks good :)
You need to have the PHP extention ImageMagick installed on your server and have it selected as the Default Image Processor in the ACP -> Options -> Attatchments page.

Then when you upload your gif it converts it to every avatar size so it will remain animated all over the site. I just spent the evening trying to get it work on my site, looks good :)

From Kier
Let's be absolutely clear here. Having ImageMagick installed on your server does not mean that you can have animated avatars. You must look in your phpinfo for an extension called imagick.
If it's not installed ask your hosting provider if they can install it for you. If you look on the thread I linked you should be able to see images where you can tell if it's installed by looking at your PHP Config
Are you talking about the first post in this thread? If so, no, that's just a gif that user uploaded to the post.

I was talking about info like in Kier's post where you can check if the extension is installed on your server by checking the PHP Congif so that your users can use it.

I'd recommend opening a ticket with your hosting provider asking if they relevent bits are installed

Or just head to ACP-> Options -> Attatchments and see if the ImageMagick radio button is selectable.

ok, I have imagick installed, and selected in the admin system, but it only ever shows a single frame from the gif I upload, doesn't matter where, every instance of the avatar is still. It uploads ok but it's never animated.

php 5.3.10
imagic 3.1.0RC1
ImageMagick 6.6.9-7 2012-08-17 Q16
ok, I have imagick installed, and selected in the admin system, but it only ever shows a single frame from the gif I upload, doesn't matter where, every instance of the avatar is still. It uploads ok but it's never animated.

php 5.3.10
imagic 3.1.0RC1
ImageMagick 6.6.9-7 2012-08-17 Q16

Same here, everything installed, imagick ON in the options, reuploading of the avatars does not help.
same versions of php & imagick as evo.
Switched to different hosting, now newly uploaded avatars are not animated in posts.

PHP Version 5.3.27
imagick module version => 3.1.2
ImageMagick 6.5.4-7 2014-02-10 Q16 OpenMP
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