XF 2.0 a few questions (postbit and (forums Viewing) )

The number of users viewing a forum would require an add-on.

I don't really have any specific advice regarding adding a horizontal post bit. I'm sure it's possible but it's not something we'd be able to officially provide support for. Hopefully someone else will be able to look into it in more detail and comment.
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Forum viewing is a great feature and I think Xenforo team should consider to have this feature, it will save money for more people.

Although I know I can get the answer like it will cause issues on loading or performance. But if we have this feature then we can turn on/off it depending on per purpose.

On our forum https://www.webmastersun.com is using forum viewing and I think i will need it to have on Xenforo 2 when update to this version though. :)

forum viewing


Just curious, it is an addon or just your design?
Forum viewing is a great feature and I think Xenforo team should consider to have this feature, it will save money for more people.

Although I know I can get the answer like it will cause issues on loading or performance. But if we have this feature then we can turn on/off it depending on per purpose.

On our forum https://www.webmastersun.com is using forum viewing and I think i will need it to have on Xenforo 2 when update to this version though. :)

Just curious, it is an addon or just your design?
design :)
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