[TH] User Criteria Extended

[TH] User Criteria Extended 1.0.6

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Reviews 4.00 star(s) 10 reviews

Their support system aka "Intercom" is borken. I have submitted tickets to their system for the last 6 months and they dissapear into the eather. AVOID.
Support is non existent.
Excellent addon and bonus that respected addon publishers Themehouse are releasing it for free.
I want to encourage my members to select a value in a drop-down custom user field. With this addon, I can show a notice when they have no value for this field.
From all of us here at ThemeHouse we'd like to thank you for your kind review, Stuart! Let us know if we can assist with anything else :)
Everything working expect the part i downloaded the addon for which is the subscriptions part not working :(
Thanks for this! I had an old extended criteria addon installed on my XF1 and on upgrade to XF2 found it wasn't supported anymore but this addon gives me a simple way to upgrade or demote users by how active they are over a certain number of days eg post 4 times in 30 days. Much appreciated :)
Thank you kindly for your review, SelfSufficientMe! It's outstanding to hear this add-on has been helpful since your upgrade to XenForo 2.
Great addon with lots of options not available in stock XF, very useful for moderating and rewarding user participation and keeping users engaged, as well as providing options for select user-groups, such as paid subscribers. Appreciate Lucas W. for maintaining it so long - and for free!
Much appreciate your kind comments, Imno! Glad to hear that you and you're users find it useful.
This free addon is one of the most powerful free addon out there. The core software doesn't provide you a lot of criteria and this addon helps you to target your usecases excellently. There are tons of new criteria you can use, as it covers a lot of use cases. This one should be in the core honestly. Thank you.
Thank you so much for the kind feedback, Sbj! Glad to hear this add-on covers a lot of use cases for you on your community.
Missing the criteria (user hasn't posted for at least X days). And perhaps the 'user has posted X messages in Y days'. Which is good for a tag.
Much appreciate the suggestion as this is criteria we will look into adding in the future.
Great addon, exactly what the criteria system of XF needed! Makes automated tasks infinitely easier. Thank you!
Much appreciate your kind review! Glad to hear that this add-on is working well for you as well.
Excellent addon. But i missing the criteria (user hasn't posted for at least X days). Like it was in the old version for XF 1.x
I hope you can update this.
Thank you so much for the kind review, Kelle67! We've gone ahead and added that as an issue within our issue tracker.
Excellent addon. This should come as an option out of the box for Xenforo. A must for some sites. Thanks very much for it!
Thanks so much for your kind words, Dynamic! Glad to hear that you enjoy using the add-on!
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