Convert to jpg

Convert to jpg 2.0

No permission to buy ($35.00)
Convert to jpg v2.0 changes:

Remove no longer used code in a template.
Convert to jpg v1.9 changes:

Updated abstracted file system code.
Convert to jpg v1.8 changes:

File extension is now case insensitive.
Convert to jpg v1.7 changes:

Fixed issue with conversion when GD is the image processor.
Convert to jpg v1.6 changes:

Fixed issue with thumnail display when using external file system.
Convert to jpg v1.5 changes:

No longer requires a specific image handler. File system operations now using XenForo file functions.
Convert to jpg v1.4 changes:

Now using finder for performing database queries.
Convert to jpg v1.3 changes:

Fixed issue dealing with transparent backgrounds.
Convert to jpg v1.2 changes:

Now allows converting .GIF images to .JPG images.
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