XenForo tips & guides [1.x]

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A very simple way to show a notice to visitors who are blocking your async Adsense ads
A widget to find all the templates in Xenforo visually. How do I see what a template looks like?
Lightbox on lower resolution devices Kintaro
Activate the lightbox on low resolution devices too. - iPhone 4s anyone?
Block spam COMPLETELY with no addons m1ne
You don't need addons to block spam, this method will ensure you never see spam again!
Email Troubleshooting Guide Paul B
Information and support related to troubleshooting and resolving failed email delivery
How To ... Paul B
A series of tips and guides covering the basics
This is the icon that you will see in the tab your browser.
XenForo User Upgrade Change Money Format, XenForo User Upgrade Change Currency
Store proxy images in RAM (tmpfs) instead of /internal_data/image_cache
Compiling FFmpeg From Source Chris D
Steps to follow in order to compile FFmpeg from source manually
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