Question Threads

Unmaintained Question Threads 2.1.2

No permission to download
Compatible XF 2.x versions
  1. 2.0
  2. 2.1
Additional requirements
For latest version
• XenForo 2.1+
• PHP 7 +
Visible branding

Since Xenforo 2.2 there is an internal question-solution system. You don't need this addon if you are using 2.2 or above.

Use "Question Threads Converter" addon to convert addon data to XF.


This addon allows users to create questions, mark them solved/unsolved and select best answers.

This is an open source addon. You can visit GitHub repository for source code.

All my addons are free...

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  • Suggest and vote for new addons
  • Try beta versions
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Then you can support me on my Patreon!


Question marks

Questions have a special mark before the title which signalize that it is a question and shows its state (solved/unsolved). There will be a best answer mark near question mark if question has best answer:


Question marks are fully customizable starting from three different types and ending with an ability to apply custom css. Take a look at some examples:


Question mark is showing everywhere before question title: threads list, thread view, search results and so on:



Forum types

Likely you will need to prohibit creating questions in some forums. Forum types were created exactly for that purpose.

There are three different types of forum:
  • Threads only
  • Threads and questions
  • Questions only
Questions only forums have custom node icon both in public and in ACP:



Moreover in questions only forums some phrases and icons are changed to give users an understanding of current forum type:


Best answers

Some questions are getting solved through a big disscussion of many users.

But sometimes a user can give one, straight and very helpful correct answer. In such cases question author can mark such answer as "best answer":


Of course you can customize the look of best answer:


If you don't want to change the background color, you can use best answer indicator instead:


Every user has a best answers counter (same with likes). By default the counter is showing in three places: profile page, user account menu and user info block in posts:




Clicking on best answers counter will open a list of user's best answers:


Alerts and emails

All question watchers will receive alerts about solving question or selecting best answer:


Note the question/best answer mark before alert text. It will help to understand what happend without even reading the alert text!

Those question watchers who subscribed for email notifications will receive an emails:


Most best answers

Best answers counters are creating a competitive atmosphere — users will try to post more best answers. If so, there must be a place where they can see their rank:



Options and Customization

You can disable some features if you experience problems with other addons/xenForo options:
  • Disabling questions only forum custom node icon
  • Disabling custom thread prompt for questions only forum
There are a lot of things you can customize and if it is not enough you can write some custom css for Question Threads elements.

All settings are located in "Question Threads" section in "Style properties"


Question Threads supports xenForo permissions system. The permissions are:
  • Create new question
  • Edit own thread type
  • Mark own questions solved
  • Mark own questions unsolved
  • Select best answer in own threads
  • Unselect best answer in own threads
  • Edit any thread type
  • Mark any questions solved
  • Mark any questions unsolved
  • Select best answer in any threads
  • Unselect best answer in any threads
With these permissions you can have a full control of how Question Threads will be used in your forum.


  1. Download the addon
  2. Upload contents of upload folder to your forum root
  3. In admin control panel go to "Addons" section and install Question Threads
That's it!

All my addons are free...

But if you want to
  • Be informed of all news about developing new addons
  • Suggest and vote for new addons
  • Try beta versions
  • Receive 24-hour early access to new addons
Then you can support me on my Patreon!
First release
Last update


4.87 star(s) 15 ratings

More resources from CMTV

Latest updates

  1. Hotfix 2.1.2

    The bug with "Upgrade" install should be fixed now.
  2. Hotfix 2.1.1

    Fixed bugs Fixed a bug during installation process (many thanks to @marquisite)
  3. Update 2.1.0 – XenForo 2.1 support & Some new features

    Question Threads 2.1.0 was rewritten from scratch. It is compatible with previous addon version...

Latest reviews

Generally a very useful addon. However, all "best answers" posts listed in user profiles will be shown to all users regardless of whether they are actually supposed to be able to see the post(s) in question or not. You can potentially end up with restricted/private forum posts shown to everyone in this manner. So, that is a bit of a problem.
A really comprehensive and useful tool Have long searched for something and now found even free.
Everything important can be adjusted and adapted even in the style. Thank you for it, keep it up.
Excellent AddOn. You can also turn any existing thread into a question and select the best answer. Works just like it should!
Very good , but the best answer feature in 2.1.4 does not work. We look forward to the new version..
I really like the approach made in this addon because it merges with the forum in a totally natural feel (not like TH QnA in which my community never hook into it).

It will be nice to have an status for abandoned questions (even better if closes after X time without activity) to don't mix stuff.

Must have addon, thank you for doing this.
Great add-on! I'd wish if the best answer could be somehow showed as the first reply and still leave the answer in its original position too? To have a quick glance at the solution. Also an option to change the green BG of the best answer would be a great addition
Awesome script anf for FREE big thanx to @CMTV.
This addon allow your members to create questions and others members can answer !
We can mark the best answer and so many other features !
Great add-on, simple but functional :) This should be a great addition to my forums while upgrading to XF2.
Excellent addon that can convert your forum into more formal question and answer threads. Developer listens to feedback well. This addon will go a long way if he keeps polishing like he is doing. Thumbsup CMTV
Fantastic addon. Great to use for your help sections on your forum. You can see on forum overview if questions are unsolved or not, and you can mark the best answers. It is even free! 5/5 easily.
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