Remove Date Of Birth

Remove Date Of Birth 1.2

No permission to download
Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.5

This add-on will remove the date of birth question during registration. I feel it's important to make registration as easy as possible. The member can always update their date of birth on their Personal Details page if they wish.

This add-on modifies the member_view template.

  1. Download and unzip it.
  2. From your Admin Control Panel, go to the "Install Add-on" page.
  3. Upload the addon-RemoveDateOfBirth_v1.2.xml file.
  4. Click the Install Add-on button.
Admin Option Setting:

Be sure to uncheck the following in the admin control panel:

Andmin CP -> Options -> User Registration -> Require Date of Birth and Minimum Age

Questions and Answers:

Q: Will this also work with Facebook, Google or Twitter registrations?
A: Yes.​

Sending a donation:

If you like this add-on, please consider sending a small donation. My PayPal email address provided upon request via Private Conversation.

Thank you.
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 9 ratings

More resources from AndyB

Latest updates

  1. See description

    Remove Date Of Birth v1.2 changes: Updated Template Modification. Now remove DOB from all types...
  2. See description.

    Remove Date Of Birth now compatible with XenForo version 1.2x and 1.3x.

Latest reviews

Excellent add-on. I installed it but I also changed the Terms of Service text to "I confirm that I am over 13 years of age and I agree to the terms and rules." just to be sure.
Love this. Why complicate things? Thanks to adwade for suggesting adding an age attestation to the site TOS, which was the only reason I was collecting DOB in the first place. In addition to making registration simpler, not storing DOB information helps protect members' privacy in the event of a security breach. Thanks, Andy!
Simple, clean, perfect. Just what I was looking for (and also the remove gender tool) since my site is privacy oriented and it's no one's business who our visitors are. :)
I'm sending a donation to provide additional encouragement for the future! Thanks!! /Steve Gibson.
Great addon! AndyB knows how to get er done and create the most excellent addons! Requiring birthdate no more! :D
This was a MUST HAVE for our forum, when we migrated from vB over to XF. While on vB due to COPPA, we always collected DOB information. However, after realizing that one can include a 'I am older than 13' statement in our Terms of Service agreement we chose to no longer require DOB info.

Having the DOB field show up during registration, just caused confusion…mainly because the 'not required' sub-script notice is so very low-lighted, it's essentially invisible. Yet, the DOB box is clearly present and seems to require being filled-in.

This add-on allowed us to simply remove the DOB box from our registration page, which streamlined the process. Many Thanxx!
Great add-on for the unnecessary registration items. It keeps option for user in settings to allow for AndyB's Birthday Thread add-on as well. Thanks!
Finally a solution for a really unneccessary dictate on what we want to ask our users during the registration. Should be in the core!
Thanks Andy for again creating a resource to make small adjustments such as this one (removing date of birth requirement on the sign up form) because without your many helpful resources and tips/help admins like me would be lost trying to figure this stuff out.

This resource does exactly what it says! Excellent :)
Great add on
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